Great organisations are not built overnight. It takes the right strategy and years of hard work to make it happen. To achieve this, you need to onboard the right team at every stage of your growth.
This is where we come in. We help you formulate your hiring strategy, map internal processes, staff it with the appropriate delivery team and optimise your talent supply chain. Every stakeholder is accounted for and the right interfaces are provided for smooth delivery.
The fact that we have been doing RPO since 2006, at scale, proves that we understand the necessity of expertise and process management in a rapidly changing economic scenario. And that is what enables us to offer this service to employers across the nation as well as the world.

When you let us take care of
your Recruitment Process
Outsourcing needs, this is
what you get
Highly scalable and complete ownership of entire recruitment cycle
Single window for hiring needs across job families and career levels
Fulfilment across different business magnitudes
Optimisation of your talent supply chain
Hassle-free, swift hiring
Diagnosis-led approach - CESI (Consideration, Evaluation, Structure and Implementation)
Well defined SLAs and KPIs to measure performance
Our holistic RPO service integrates the entire supply chain, bringing together all aspects in a highly efficient and result-oriented manner
Establishing predictable
Achieving crystal clear
talent positioning
Ensuring efficient access
to right talent
Optimising source mix for
ideal hiring practices
Widening reach in an
organised manner
Delivering assessments for
precision at scale
Delivering faster
turnaround time
Enhancing transparency
and control
Our flagship RPO models
Enterprise RPO
Ideal for organisations intending to outsource the entire recruitment operations
Mid to high volume, spanning across multiple years
Managing the complete cycle from sourcing to onboarding
Managing the source mix (referrals, sourcing partners and direct applicants)
Team to manage all activities and communication with internal stakeholders and candidates
Hiring that spans across job families, locations and career levels
Stringent focus on quality control and compliance
Project based RPO
Flexible lightweight model suited for short term scale up
Suitable to manage spikes or growth in a certain business unit or location
Serves as a pilot for partner evaluation for Enterprise RPO model
RPO teams staffed and aligned to the internal recruitment teams
Allows internal recruiters to focus on their core roles
Resource based RPO
Augmenting the existing team with new resources
Augmenting sourcers, recruiters or coordinators as needed
Programme management done by the client’s recruitment leads or run it as a staffing model
Highly collaborative model that works the best when you need an additional pair of hands to manage your requirements